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Membership Information

Established in 1970, the Academy holds two continuing education meetings annually at various sites. These one to two day seminars serve to provide high quality continuing education for consultants and practitioners. Speakers selected from throughout North America provide presentations in their field of expertise to our membership.

The primary educational orientation is directed toward beef cattle with special emphasis on factors that influence feedlot/herd health and performance management.

Regular Academy seminars are taped and a proceedings booklet is published and provided to all current members. Past topics include pathology, physiology, immunology, parasitology, stress, computers, nutrition, regulatory issues and consultation practice management.

One meeting each year is a "member only" open forum discussion of individual cases, specific medical problems and current issues of concern to our profession and industry. Furthermore, AVC meetings are frequently held in conjunction with regional and national veterinary conferences to provide an even broader scope of continuing education.

The Academy of Veterinary Consultants (AVC) is an organization of veterinarians involved in beef cattle medicine, herd health programs and consultation. Our mission is to provide continuing education, member support and leadership among various entities of the beef cattle industry. The AVC goal strives for optimum productivity of a safe, high-quality product.

Objectives of the Academy

To provide education and support to members.
To maintain a leadership role in the profession and industry, that is not provided by other veterinary organizations.
To serve as a liaison among the cattle industry, other related professions, the pharmaceutical industry, regulatory agencies and consumers.
To act as an integrator of production management techniques which meet the need of beef cattle producers.


The Academy serves as a representative and liaison of beef cattle veterinarians for interaction with related cattle industry groups. Our association is a direct liaison with the National Cattlemen's Association for their health and beef safety committees. We provide key representation to food animal practitioner group with direct communication to the USDA. Furthermore, we monitor other organizations such as AHI, CVM, and FSIS whose activities effect the cattle industry.


AVC Membership consists of veterinarians from throughout the United States, Canada and several other countries which includ feedlot consultants, general practitioners, and veterinarians from industry, universities and diagnostic laboratories.

Membership can be obtained by printing and submitting the application for approval by the Board of Directors. The applicant must be referred by two AVC members in good standing and the application must be accompanied by $295 for USA and Canada ($295 Foreign) for the first year's dues.

The Membership Application form you can be filled out online.

Other benefits of being a member include

  • 2 meetings every year

  • Group rates for the hotel at meetings

  • Most meals are covered by corporate sponsors

  • Newletter 3 times a year in paper or digital format

  • Online access to searchable proceedings

  • AVC members also have access to the listserve. Joining the AVC listeserve is a great way to share practice tips, receive feedback and suggestions, and keep in touch with other AVC members. To join the listserve click on the "View My Information" in the Members section and change the "Subscribe to AVC-L@AVC-BEEF.ORG" field to Yes.

Member Login

EMail Address:

BCI Online Continuing Education
Quick Links

AVC Office

305 W Magnolia Street #267

Fort Collins, CO 80521

Sally O'Brien
AVC Administration Manager


Office Closed:

Jan 1-New Year

May 26-Memorial Day

July 4-Independence Day

Sept 1-Labor Day

Nov 27&28-Thanksgiving

Dec 25&26-Christmas


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