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Executive Board

The Executive Board shall consist of the President, Immediate Past President, President-Elect, Vice President, Executive Director, Treasurer, and Board of Directors. The Executive Board shall be responsible for the major administrative policies governing affairs of the organization and shall devise and mature measures for the organization’s growth and development. It shall receive and act on applications for membership in the organization. It shall fill vacancies in office essential to the conduct of the affairs of the organization when such vacancies occur between elections. With consent of the membership, the Executive Board may increase its numbers.


There shall be a Board of eight (8) Directors of this organization. The Nominating Committee shall be charged with the responsibility of maintaining an appropriate demographic distribution of directorships to maintain accurate representation of the organizational membership.


Executive Board


Ryan Rademacher
Sarah Capik
President Elect
Terry Engelken
Julia Herman
Vice President
Miles Theurer
John Lynch
Vice President Elect
Shaun Sweiger
Bob Sager
Past President
Becky Funk
Zachary Smith
Richard Linhart
Dan Stafford
Executive Director
Bob Larson
Shane Terrell
Brian Vander Ley
  Ryan Loseke - Director Elect

Past AVC Presidents


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EMail Address:

BCI Online Continuing Education
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AVC Office

305 W Magnolia Street #267

Fort Collins, CO 80521

Sally O'Brien
AVC Administration Manager


Office Closed:

Jan 1-New Year

May 27-Memorial Day

July 4-Independence Day

Sept 2-Labor Day

Nov 28&29-Thanksgiving

Dec 25&26-Christmas


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